Writingセクションでは、まず文章を読み、それに関する講義を聞いて、それらを要約する”Integrated task”が1問、出されたお題に対してあなたの経験や意見に基づいた小論文をまとめる”Independent task”が1問の計2問の出題です。回答はキーボードを使ってコンピューターに打ち込む形式です。公式のサンプルにも問題は記載されていますが、音声がありませんし、特にIntegrated taskの流れはReadingとListeningとWritingの複合ですので、公式の解説動画をチェックし、Writingセクションの雰囲気や答え方を体験することをお勧めします。ここでは、各タスクの内容やアプローチ方法、Essayの書き方、解答のコツなどを提示します。
TOEFL Writing Section Profile
- 出題数 = 2問(Integrated Task × 1問、Independent Task × 1問)
- Integrated Task: パッセージを読む&聴いた後、それらの内容を150-225 wordsで要約する
- Independent Task: 与えられたお題(設問)に対して、300 words以上のEssayを書く
Integrated Taskも、Independent Taskも、0から5までのスケールで採点されます。ちなみに、コンピューターと認定された人間の評価者の組み合わせによってスコアが付けられます。解答の採点方法の詳細については、ライティングスコアリングガイド(ルーブリック)(PDF)に詳しく解説されています。
TOEFL Writing Section Tips
- 右揃え不要(段落内で改行しない)
- 3種類の書き方(個人的には下記1が楽だと思います)
- 各段落出だしスペースなし、段落間1行空け
- 各段落出だし5スペース空け、段落間改行なし
- 第1段落は出だしスペースなし、段落間1行空け、第2段落以降は出だし5スペース空け
- 3人称単数が主語の場合の動詞の現在形へのsの付け忘れ(いわゆる3単現のs)
- 冠詞a/an/theの区別と付け忘れ
- 省略しない ※don’t→do not、He said he will~→He said that he will~
Question Types of the Writing Section
Writing Integrated Task
Key SentenceはParagraphの先頭か、However, Thereforeの直後にあるので要注目
Opposeタイプ: 設問に”how they cast doubt on” “how they challenge”とある
Supportタイプ: 設問に”how they support” “how they strengthen”とある
- @Reading メインテーマとそれを支持する根拠3つを、簡潔に関係性*が分かるようにメモ
*抽象的▶具体的な内容、因果の関係性、対比構造など - @Listening Readingでメモった3つの根拠それぞれに対する講義内容をメモ
Writing Integrated Taskの注意点
- Passageからの写しミスをしないこと(スペル、固有名詞の大文字小文字)
- PassageとLectureをクリアに対比*すること(対比が不明確だと4.0に届かない)
*Listeningメモから逆に、Reading部で触れる内容を精査 - メインテーマとのクリアな関連性*を意識すること
*なぜ今出している情報がメインテーマにとって重要なのか?を意識しながら書く - Reading部分はシンプルにさらっと、Listening部分を厚く書く(目標1:2.5の割合)
Reading passageの表現をそのまま使うと、plagiarism(盗作、パクリ)とみなされ、減点対象となってしまいます(実際に大学で論文を書く際は絶対NGです)。ですので、必ずParaphrase(言い換え)を施しましょう。
The professor has many cars. ▶ The instructor has a lot of automobiles.
many ▶ a lot of
has ▶ owns
professor ▶ instructor / teacher
cars ▶ automobiles
strongly believe ▶ absolutely believe
possibility ▶ possible
The professor has many cars.
▶ Many cars are owned by the professor.
Oxygen and hydrogen are found in water.
▶ Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
I went to bed early last night because I was very tired.
▶ Because/Since I was very tired, I went to …
I can enjoy a wide range of dishes by eating at restaurants.
▶ Eating at restaurants allows me to enjoy a wide range of meals.
▶ Having meals at restaurants is a good way for me to enjoy a wide range of dishes.
Sunlight also helps promote the production of vitamin D within the body.
▶ Sunlight helps produce vitamin D within the body.
Good teachers are patient.
▶ Good teachers need to be patient.
▶ It is necessary for good teachers to be patient.
解答: Writing 20分(150-225 words)Oppose/Supportタイプ別テンプレート
The main point made in the reading passage is that …
However, the professor argues that …
First, the reading says that …
On the other hand, the speaker states in the lecture that …
This contradicts what the passage indicates.
Second, the passage mentions that …
However, the lecturer claims that … 2文、3文でも, whichで受けてOK
, which the author of the reading might not have predicted*.
Third, the reading states that …
By contrast, the lecture says that …
This is another part that contradicts what the reading says.
Therefore, the main points* made by the professor in the lecture cast doubt on the points made in the reading passage.
*第1段落ではpoint, 最後の段落ではpoints
The primary position that is taken in the reading passage is that …
On the other hand, in the lecture, the professor argues that …
First, in the reading passage, the author states that …
However, in the lecture, it is argued that …
This is in (direct*) contradiction to what is indicated in the reading passage.
It is also mentioned in the passage that …
Yet, in the lecture, the professor takes the position that …
, and this is an important point that was not considered by the author of the reading passage.
In addition, the author of the reading argues that …
In comparison, in the lecture, the professor claims that …
This is yet another example of how the professor and the author of the reading passage contradict one another.
In conclusion, the main arguments put forth by the professor in the lecture make the claims of the author of the reading passage more doubtful.
According to the reading passage,
The professor supports this idea by noting that …
First, the reading says that …
The professor states that … , which is what the passage might have predicted.
Second, the passage states that …
The lecture goes on to state that …
This is what the reading might have predicted.
Finally, the passage also states that …
The lecture says that … , which is another point that the reading passage would support.
Therefore, the lecture indicates that all the specific points in the passage have support.
Based on the claims of the author of the reading passage, …
The professor also argues that …
First, in the reading, the author states that …
Similarly, the professor claims that … , and this is what the author of the reading might have predicted.
In addition, the author of the reading passage claims that …
The professor adds to that claims in the lecture, stating that …
This is also an important point that supports the point made in the reading passage.
Last, the author of the passage takes the stance that …
Likewise, the professor says that … , which is another example of how the professor and the author of the reading passage agree with one another.
In summary, the professor is in agreement with and supports the very same points that are made by the author of the reading passage.
Writing Independent Task
Speaking SectionのIndependent Taskと同様、提示された2つの状況や意見に対して、あなたの好みや選択と、その理由を問われる
Writing Independent Taskの解答文構造(典型的なロジックツリー構造)
②第1に~だからです(Body 1)、
③第2に~だからです(Body 2)、
重要なのは①②③にあたる3文です。この重要3文がサッと書けるかどうかが勝負の分かれ目です。④は①と同じ内容なので、下記重要3文が書けたら、全体の骨格が出来たも同然です。ちなみに、Speaking SectionのIndependent Taskで話すべき内容もこの3文がベースです。
・Answer: 私は賛成/反対です
・Reason 1: 第1に~だからです
・Reason 2: 第2に~だからです
1-1. General Statement *Answerと逆の考えを一般論として記述
1-2. Answer (Position Statement) *自分の立場(賛成/反対、好き/嫌い)を明らかにする
2-1. Reason 1 *賛成/反対の理由その1を短い文章でバチッと書く
2-2. Example 1 *5W1Hを駆使しして具体例を詳細に書く
2-3. Closing 1 *Reason 1と同じ内容を書く
3-1. Reason 2 *賛成/反対の理由その2を短い文章でバチッと書く
3-2. Example 2 *5W1Hを駆使しして具体例を詳細に書く
3-3. Closing 2 *Reason 2と同じ内容を書く
4-1. Conclusion *Answerと同じ内容を書く
Writing Independent Taskの時間配分
- 07分: 重要3文+α *全体の骨格を作って全てタイピングしてしまう
(Answer/Conclusion, Reason 1/Closing 1, Reason 2/Closing 2, General Statement) - 10分: Example 1 *肉付けする
- 10分: Example 2 *肉付けする
- 03分: 見直し(スペルミス、3単現のs、冠詞、加算不可算名詞など)
Writing Independent Taskの注意点
- Integrated Taskと違ってParaphraseは危険なので基本やらない
- 自身の経験や考えにこだわらない、創作でOK(4段落達成できるネタを創作する)
- シンプルな文章で書く
- 受動態を多用しない(主語が分かり難くなる)
- 意見は直接的に書く(2重否定は理解が難しい)
- 比喩やことわざは使用しない(国によって解釈が異なる場合もある)
- 難解な語彙は使わない(スペルミスしたり、意味が伝わり難くなるリスクがある)
- 採点者(アメリカ人)に分かるように書く(円 ▶ ドル、愛知県とか書くなら補足する)
- 曖昧な代名詞は使わない(文頭でのwe、Japanese ▶ Most/Many Japanese)
- 最後の1,2分を使って1センテンス増やすよりも、見直しをして5個の基礎的なミスを修正するほうが得点アップに直結する
- 中学レベルのスペルミス・文法ミス(時制や数の一致)は絶対しない
解答: Writing 30分(300 words以上)テンプレート
・Some people prefer … / Some people like to …
・Some people think that … / Some people believe that …
・Genrally speaking, … / In general, …
・It is widely believed that … / It is generally thought that …
・In Japan, where I currently live, some people think that …
・I agree/disagree with the statement that ~ for the following reasons.
・I prefer A to B for the following reasons.
・Personally I strongly believe that … / I do not strongly believe that …
・In my opinion, for the following reasons, … rather than …
・I support/oppose the plan to …
・First of all/Most importantly/First and foremost/For one thing/In the first place/To begin with, …
・My primary reason is that …
・The first advantage is that …
・What is most important to me is that …
・What matters most to me is that …
First of all, eating food at home improved my cooking skills.
▶ First of all, eating food at home improves my cooking skills.
[Statement] It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan?
a) A large shopping center is convenient.
b) A large shopping center has many useful shops.
c) A large shopping center helps local people shop conveniently.
d) A large shopping center allows local people to shop conveniently.
e) A large shopping center provides local people with an opportunity to shop conveniently.
*ネタとしては、saving money, health, experience, chance/opportunity, convenient, feel excitedなどなどを入れていきましょう
[Statement] Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place?
A: Personally, I prefer moving in search of another place throughout life.
R1: First of all, moving to new places can help people to gain broader perspectives on humanity.
R2: Additionally, spending an entire lifetime in one place can be boring.
設定 ▶ 詳細状況 ▶ まとめ、の3段構成
設定 *When, Where, What
・For example / For instance / To give an example / To give my personal example,
・One concrete example of this is …
・To take an example / To take my personal example
・I remembered that …
詳細 *~できた、~できなかったにつながる詳細状況
・These are many advantages to A over B.
・Of course, these are advantages to A. For example, … Also, … However, overall, I find more advantages to B.
・On the other hand, ~
・By contrast, … / In contrat …
・In comparison with … , …
まとめ *Closing 1に直結、出来ればClosing 1の裏返しを書く
・As a result, ~
・~ made me become more interested in ~
・Thanks to ~
・be able to ~ *
・If … , … might …(仮定法)
設定 1 *When, Where, What
・When I was a freshman in college, …
▶ In 2003, when I was a freshman at Tokyo University, …
設定 2
・I studied English writing with my classmates after school every day.
▶ I remembered that every day after school my classmates and I stopped by the library on my university campus and we studied English writing.
詳細 1 *~できた、~できなかったにつながる詳細状況
・They helped me a lot when we studied together.
▶ One of them, Leo, was familiar with English vocabulary and knew how to improve English writing by applying the vocabulary effectively. The other one, Reiko, was good at English writing because she frequently wrote letters to some of her friends living in England. They helped me a lot when we studied together.
詳細 2
On the other hand, I also helped both Leo and Reiko improve the structure of their writing because in the English Analysis class which I took last year, I learned about the structure of a well-organized essay by analyzing English journal articles.
まとめ *Closing 1に直結、出来ればClosing 1の裏返しを書く(仮定法が便利です)
As a group, we were able to learn a lot from each other about how to write English essays. If we had not studied together, we might not have improved our English writing. This is something that might not have happened if my classmates and I had not studied together.
・As the example above [shows/demonstrates], I strongly feel that ~ allows me to ~
・As this example illustrates, … / As these examples illustrates, …
・This experience clearly indicates that I definitely believe that ~ allows me to ~
・For this reason, I strongly [believe/feel] that ~
・Second/Additionally/In addition/Moreover/Furthermore, …
・Another reason is that … / The next reason is that …
・Another advantage is that … / The next advantage is that …
・Referring back to my example above, …
・As I mentioned above,
・To cite the example above / To take the example mentioned above, …
Closing 1と同じ
・As the example above [shows/demonstrates], I strongly feel that ~ allows me to ~
・As this example illustrates, … / As these examples illustrates, …
・This experience clearly indicates that I definitely believe that ~ allows me to ~
・For this reason, I strongly [believe/feel] that ~
・Thus, I definitely prefer A to B.
・In conclusion, I definitely agree with the idea that …
・In conclusion, I strongly believe that …
・In conclusion, for the reasons that I mentioned above, I strongly believe that …
・In conclusion, in my opinion, …
まずはテンプレート含めた言い回しを覚えましょう。Integrated Taskで求められるParaphraseは、表現方法の引き出しがないとパッと出てきません。リーディングやリスニングを通したインプットと、実際にそれらの表現を色々と使ってみるアウトプットを通じて身についていきます。
TOEFL Writingセクションに慣れる
Integrated Taskは、文字通りリーディングやリスニングと合体したテストになっており、その内容も大学の講義であったり、キャンパス内での会話であったりと、レベルも高めなので、下記の公式過去問に取り組むのも、テスト自体に慣れることも含めて効果的です。
TOEFL iBTテスト公式テキスト(公認ガイド第5版・日本語訳解説付問題集)
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